Release Notes for Payway 4.3¶
Target Audience: Users, Developers, Stakeholders
Minor Releases¶
4.3.12 (2021-07-06)¶
New features¶
- PAP: Added support for adding a merchant image to a title
- Merchant image is sent in purchases using Klarna Payments.
- Added support for listening to Adyen RealTimeAccountUpdater
- Possible to credit Adyen payments that are in a failed state.
- Added support for merchant reference and traffic source to Invoice order API.
- Added CRN and company name to account changed event.
- Extended SSN formatting support in Account API.
- Improved PAP create account layout.
- Clean up Klarna payments purchase sessions upon successful purchase.
- Improved error messages when creating a new package with an existing code.
- Added documentation to Subscription System API concering addresses.
Issues fixed¶
- Fixed issue where export of upgraded subscriptions without an integration code resulted in an export error.
- Fixed issue where reactivation of a subscription cancelled using the immediate option resulted in an error.
- Fixed issue where product mapping configurations would get fragmented upon a product code change.
- Fixed issue where Get candidate would not return products.
- Fixed issue where merchant reference was not included in Order API response.
- Fixed issue when resetting password and having SSO2 enabled resulted in error page for customer.
- Fixed issue when updating campaign containing a partial payments configuration in weeks resulted in error.
4.3.11 (2021-06-21)¶
New features¶
- Payway Account API: new endpoint for creating a password reset. Read more here.
- Payway Me API: New endpoint get available product changes. Read more here.
- PARP: Removed footer link.
- PAP: Uploaded logo not visible on title.
- Payway API: Possible to create accounts without having terms setup in Payway.
Issues fixed¶
- PAP: Issue fixed where new packages could not be created.
- PPF: Issue fixed with lookup address where an address was not returned.
- PPF: Issue fixed where buy button wasn't enabled.
- PAP: Issue fixed where voucher provisioned subscriptions could not be terminated.
- Payway API: Issue fixed where validate order endpoint would return string instead of bool in some cases.
- PAP: Improved validation when changing campaign transformation.
- Adyen Checkout: Better error handling when encountering 704 - Request already processed.
4.3.10 (2021-06-03)¶
New features¶
- New Get Campaigns API endpoint. Read more here
- New Get Packages API endpoint. Read more here
- New Get Products API endpoint. Read more here
- New Get Title API endpoint. Read more here
- New Get Titles API endpoint. Read more here
- Upgrade/downgrade subscription: Cancellation reason is exported to Kayak on upgrade and downgrade. Read more here
- Optimization for Order API for faster response time and prevent timeouts.
Issues fixed¶
- PAP: Trim whitespaces when searching for orders and accounts.
- PAP: Marketplace page return an error if no marketplaces were found.
- PCP: Fixed issue were login error messages could not handle URLs.
4.3.9 (2021-05-19)¶
New features¶
- Link your own custom css for PCP. Read more here
- Added partial payment support for direct debit payment method.
- Customer can cancel subscription system provisioned subscriptions from My account. Needs to be activated by Payway.
- Sort included products for packages and campaigns. The products included are presented in the configured order in the purchase flow.
- Perform ACL validation when creating new account from PAP.
- Payload adjustments for Marketing API.
- Adyen Klarna text resources added.
- Return available payment methods in Klarna create session response. Read more here.
- Include additional merchant info to Klarna create session request. Improves the experience for customers logging in to the Klarna portal.
- Export upgraded campaigns to Kayak. Read more here.
- Include cancelled by as a metric whether an admin or user cancelled the subscription.
- Exclude products from dropdown that have already been selected when editing packages.
Issues fixed¶
- Unlock purchase button in case of several payment methods and payment periods.
- Improved export of telephone numbers to subscription systems.
- Better customer experience during address validation.
- Improved validation when setting up blacklisted ACL for domains.
- Improved error handling for Payway subscription API.
- When editing a campaign, it's partial payment configuration was not visible in some cases.
- Improved error validation and resources when editing campaign payment periods.
- Cannot create account with e-mail that starts with underscore.
- Export to GmAPI, apartment number merged with building number.
- Return URL not used in activation flow in all cases.
- Remove empty resource categories in PAP resource editing.
- Removed cancel button from traffic source editing in PAP.
- Product list emptied when editing package and receiving an validation error.
- Include scope /external/klarna_payments/r when editing API users in PAP.
- Update 0 amount payment period failed
- Purchase flow: First and last name as required fields alongside not required address.
- Improved address validation for purchase flow. Disable buy button when resolving address.
4.3.8 (2021-04-27)¶
New features¶
- Payway API: new Marketing API
- PAYWAY API: new Subscription system API endpoint for looking up customer number
- Campaign support for upgrading and downgrading subscriptions. Read more here
Issues fixed¶
- PAP: Account creation is validated against ACL.
- PAP: Campaign periods are validated when changes are made to the transition.
- PAP: Fixed issue where campaign period price with 0 amount could not be updated.
- Adyen callbacks have a higher probability to rescue in-browser purchase errors.
- Fixed issue where card expiration date was calculated at the beginning of the month instead of at the end of the month.
4.3.7 (2021-03-31)¶
New features¶
- PAP: Edit Klarna Payments merchant configurations.
- Upgrade/downgrade subscription: Export upgraded or downgraded subscripton to Kayak subscription systems. Contact support for more information.
4.3.6 (2021-03-15)¶
- Extended functionality for marketing permissions. Read more here.
- Added possibility to define a default return url in PPF. Read more here.
- Improved management of agreement references for Klarna purchases made trough Adyen.
- Merchant reference included in event payload for order_closed and payment_user_product_deactivated.
Issues fixed¶
- Fixed issue where failed directdebit recurring purchase made using Bambora could not be completed when later receiving a successful callback from Bambora.
4.3.5 (2021-02-22)¶
- PPF: Added editable statement texts for Klarna purchases made trough Adyen
- PPF: Improved UX for accepting terms when performing a purchase.
- Payway API: Added order_id to /invoice_order response.
- Payway API: New API for fetching a single product. Read more here.
- PAP: Subscription number visible on customer overview. When applicable.
- PPF: Added support for ranged swedish addresses.
Issues fixed¶
- PPF: Changed text shown for campaigns with only one purchase period.
- Improved parsing for finnish social security numbers
- PAP: Improved UX for the different payment states.
- PAP: Fixed issue with text resources for payment configurations
- PCP: Improved UX for purchase history on my account
- PAP: Fixed issue when searching packages/campaigns by tag
- PPF: Fixed issue with the dropbox fields not showing
- PAP: Fixed issue where marketplaces could not be deleted
- Klarna payments: Improved address parsing
4.3.4 (2021-02-04)¶
New features¶
- PAP: New campaign rules: have had product and have not had product.
- Payway API: Gender and social security number with century are now presented in the Account API and Me API
Issues fixed¶
- PAP: Fixed issue where purchases done with Adyen did not show up in the account timeline.
- PAP: Fixed issue with the text resources in the Adyen payment provider configuration.
- Adyen: Fixed issue where Adyen-js and -css did not work on the card verification page.
4.3.3 (2021-01-14)¶
- Adyen: Ability to configure Adyen-js, -css and -backend api versions in PAP payment provider configurations.
4.3.1 (2020-12-01)¶
- PAP: Improved account overview with color indicators, telling you if the subscription is active, cancelled etc.
- PAP: Improved account overview with color indication, telling you if the subscription share is active or not.
- PAP: You can now search for orders by merchant reference in the orders view
- Adyen notifications: Failed purchases in the form of browser failures will now be processed in the received callbacks.
Issues fixed¶
- The External API for changing a renewal date, /change_renewal_date, will now give the correct error when trying to change renewal date on a subscription that is not provisioned by Tulo Payway. Documentation updated here.
- Accounts with a large number of shared subscriptions would receive a timeout in PCP: My account and PAP: Account overview.