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Target Audience: Administrators

Field configurations


This section describes how you can set up field configurations for a specific package or campaign.

For packages & campaigns

By clicking on the field configuration icon on the desired package or campaign you may select which fields that will be enabled and/or mandatory in the PPF.

If you want to explain the fields in detail, the info text can be set. This is shown as a tooltip in the PPF. See the images below for example.

Click field configuration icon

Select fields

Standard configuration

If you would prefer to configure one field configuration across all your packages and campaigns, or a "fallback" configuration that all packages and campaigns will use unless said otherwise, that is entirely possible as well!

Simply navigate to Packages & Campaigns > Configurations > Standard field configuration. In here, you will be able to configure a standard field configuration, that will be used if no other configuration is found.

Field configuration hierarchy

Priority Type Description
1 Campaign If the customer is attempting to purchase a campaign, and the campaign has a field configuration, this configuration will be used.
2 Campaign group If the campaign is missing a field configuration, but there is a campaign group with a field configuration, this configuration will be used.
3 Package If the customer is attempting to purchase a package, or if the campaign is missing a field configuration, this configuration will be used.
4 Package group If the package is missing a field configuration, but there is a package group with a field configuration, this configuration will be used.
5 Standard If no field configuration has been found, we will attempt to use your standard/global field configuration instead.