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Tulo Changelog

Target Audience: Users, Developers, Stakeholders

Tulo Payway - July 17th - 4.8.9

New features - PAP

  • Reconciliation payments! You can now manually adjust the balance of an order by creating reconciliation payments. Read more here

Changes - PAP

  • Toggle on/off if you want the customer-search to execute your last query when returning to the search page.
  • When performing those hard to find queries and you simply cannot wait. You can now, CANCEL your search request!
  • Layout and information on customer subscription overview optimized to better make use of available surfaces.

Tulo Payway - July 8th -

Changes - PAP

  • Subscription sharings started from admin can now be saved and activated immediately, instead of having to start all subscription sharings, and then accepting each sharing separately. Note that this will only work if the receiver is an existing customer in Payway.

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where ordering campaigns under the retention campaign edit page would have no effect, and the campaigns would still order themselves as they wanted, rather than what had been configured before clicking "Save".

Issues fixed - Distribution

  • Issue fixed where the distribution would not start when it was supposed to, when Adyen - Card orders were placed using account payment profiles.

Changes - Payway API

Tulo Payway - June 26th -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • The subscription overview for a Billecta subscription no longer looks at disregarded periods when calculating the upcoming billing period, as this would display information about an invalid billing period.
  • The traffic source parameter had different restrictions depending on where they were being used from. This has now been fixed, so that all traffic sources are processed the same way. Note that the maximum length of a traffic source is currently set to 128 characters.
  • Customer's with a double first-name can now have their name written correctly. Previously, the first letter of the second first-name would be forced into lowercase.

Issues fixed - PCP

  • Issue fixed where a "Reactivate your subscription" notification could appear for Free subscriptions, without an associated order.

Changes - PAP

  • The billing period overview can now be filtered, to either display all periods or only periods that have not been disregarded.
  • The message of the account timeline events produced by Adyen's OFFER_CLOSED has been slightly improved to make it clearer what exactly has happened.

Changes - Payway API

  • The field company_name has now been made available when creating an account via Account API V1

Tulo Paywall - June 17th -

Issues fixed

  • Issue fixed where alternative offers for Klarna Payments Paywalls, in combination with campaign staircases, would not work entirely as expected.


  • JavaScript Version 1.3 has been updated to support SPA-applications. Previously this was not possible due to conflicting variable definitions.

Tulo Payway - June 6th -

Changes - Klarna Payments

  • The start- and end date of the subscription has now been added to the order line of Klarna Payments.

New features - PAP

  • Billecta subscriptions can now be started on behalf of a customer, using Account payment profiles. This will allow you to set up both Billecta and Adyen subscriptions for your existing customers, without having to re-enter all of the customer's information.

New features - Payway API

  • New endpoint My Notifications added under the Me API V1, allowing external systems to fetch current notifications that the customer currently may have.

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where deactivated free subscriptions (without an associated order) would incorrectly attempt to export the deactivation to the subscription system of the organisation.
  • Issue fixed where there would be a misleading text when starting a subscription on behalf of the customer, suggesting that the subscription was invoice based, regardless of the chosen payment period.
  • Issue fixed where the SSO Session limits page would behave strangely after an update had been made to the session limits of the organisation.
  • Issue fixed where Billecta creditations could not be performed for subscriptions that were initially created using a product without an accounting record.

Tulo Payway - June 3rd -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where failed Billecta credit payments would result in a subscription view forever displaying "Credit payment still processing".

Issues fixed - PCP

  • Issue fixed where a link to the Activation flow would be visible under "My subscriptions", even though the activation flow was disabled for the organisation.
  • Issue fixed where the "Download invoice as .PDF" link under "Purhcase history" would be shown for failed payments, that did not have a invoice as PDF available.

Issues fixed - Payway API

  • Issue fixed where Finnish Organisation Numbers could not be used within the Update Account V2 endpoint.

Changes - Payway API

  • The Product API V4 endpoint now accepts integration_code as a search parameter, alongside the previous available parameters product_id and product_code.

New features - Payway API

Tulo Payway - May 24th -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where crediting a payment and deactivating the associated subscription, without selecting a cancellation reason, would result in a locked view, forcing the user to refresh the page.
  • Issue fixed where attempting to set permissions for a non-existing account would result in a very unclear error message.
  • Issue fixed where attempting to start a subscription with a future start date would result in a error page.
  • Issue fixed where customer service users could archive the account they were currently logged in as.

New features - PAP & PCP

  • Several new options have been made available for Payway Marketing Permissions. Read more on these options here!
  • Email integration towards MailChimp is now possible. In order to learn more, or get started with MailChimp, we recommend you start by visiting our MailChimp integration documentation.

Tulo Payway - May 16th -

New features - PCP

  • New event added, OrderClosedShareable, that is much like the previously known OrderClosed event. This event will allow you to send out email and/or react on closed orders, specifically for subscriptions that have an active sharing configuration at the time of purchase.

New features - PAP

  • You can now view what kind of background jobs are running for your specific Payway Instance, their status, as well as when they last were started/completed. Read more on this feature here.

Tulo Payway - May 13th -

Changes - PAP

  • The subscription sharing overview table is now indexed, and also includes a current/total count, to show how many times a subscription has been shared and how many that is currently being displayed.

Changes - PCP

  • Alongside "zip code", a "city" can now also be given when registering a new account in the PCP. Contact our support for questions or to enable this!

Tulo Payway - May 10th -

Issues fixed - Payway API

  • Fixed issue where an archived account could be updated with new personal information using the update account APIs.

Tulo Paywall - May 8th -

  • New JavaScript and CSS version available! Read more on this update here.

Tulo Payway - May 8th -

New features - Payway SSO

  • Feature added, that will terminate all logged in Payway SSO sessions for a given user, if a password reset is performed. This means that all users logged in on an account will need to log in again whenever a password change is performed.
    • If you have implemented an external password reset request, we strongly recommend you to read up on this documentation here.

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where the integration error message was incorrect, if the subscriber's customer number was not found in Kayak.
  • Issue fixed where the amount of steps configured in a retention campaign would always display as "0" in the retention campaign overview.

Changes - PAP & PCP

  • Country code "EE" (Estonia) has now been added to the list of available countries.
  • The amount of login attempts logged on a customer has now been increased from 5 to 25.

Tulo Payway - April 23rd -

Changes - PAP

  • The "Show all results" button from the export error view has been removed. If you are interested in historical export error data, we recommend the usage of Engage BI instead.

Changes - PCP

  • Minor UX improvements.

Changes - Billecta

  • A "customer number" field has now been added to all Billecta invoices, clarifying which customer account the invoice belongs to.

Tulo Payway - April 17th -

Issues fixed - Payway API

  • Issue fixed where experiencing an already existing SSN error would still result in an account stuck in the "created" state when using the Account API - Create Account endpoint.

Changes - PAP

  • The selected title from the Campaign overview will now carry over to the "Create a campaign" view, making campaign creation easier.

Tulo Payway - April 2nd -

Changes - PAP

  • Mail templates (for mails sent directly from Payway) can now be viewed directly in the PAP. Read more on this functionality here.

Changes - PCP

  • Mobile UX improvements.

Tulo Payway - March 27th -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where deleting a subscription sharing for a subscription with a large amount of sharings was not possible.
  • Issue fixed where some valid GLN formats were considered invalid, when attempting to start a Billecta subscription.
  • Issue fixed where some customer number conflicts, when performing exports towards Kayak, would fail and cause an export error that could not be viewed/opened.

Changes - Payway API

  • Information regarding if a packaged product is considered a loyalty card product added to the Product API V4
  • Information regarding if a packaged product is considered a loyalty card product added to the Marketing API V6

Tulo Payway - March 25th -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where Billecta subscriptions could not be started for accounts with an existing SSN.

Tulo Paywall - March 21th -


Tulo Payway - March 21th -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Improved error message(s) when updating an account payment profile with information that already exists on another profile.

Tulo Payway - March 18th -

Issues fixed - Payway API

  • Issue fixed where the inherited package rank of a campaign would be incorrectly calculated when using the Available product changes endpoint.

Changes - PAP

Tulo Payway - March 12th -

Changes - PCP

  • The Payway Client Portal has gone through a major visual overhaul, in order to achieve a better user experience for both desktop and mobile users.

Tulo Payway - March 7th -

New Feature - PAP

  • Added feature to send an one time password to a customer from PAP.

Tulo Payway - March 6th -

Changes - PCP

  • Added throttling to password reset

New Feature - PAP

  • Support for manging your distribution configuration in PAP

New Feature - Paywall

  • Support for logging in user after klarna purchase in paywall

Tulo Payway - March 5th -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where actions that requires an active payment profile, could be taken on a subscription without an active payment profile (for example, for limited subscriptions). This means that the action by itself could be performed, but that the subscription would experience autopay errors down the line.

Issues fixed - Kayak

  • Issue fixed where so called Flex campaigns would be handled incorrectly when calculating whether the subscription was considered recurring or limited during a Kayak export.

Changes - PAP

  • The marketplace key's included in the direct-link to Tulo Shop's are now forced to lowercase, where they previously had a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters (depending on setup).
  • Deactivating a subscription in conjunction with a credit will now fire appropriate events. The functionality was also looked over to ensure proper functionality for crediting both Adyen and Billecta payments.
  • Albeit rarely, crediting an Adyen payment can succeed to instead fail at a later date. If this happens, this information will now be logged as a helpdesk message, to bring attention to the credit payment at hand.

Changes - PCP

  • Minor UX improvements.

Tulo Payway - February 23rd -

Issues fixed - PCP

  • Issue fixed where information was missing for a received and accepted subscription sharing.

Tulo Payway - February 21st -

Changes - Payway API

  • The possibility of searching by the receiver or sender in the Gift card search (under "Customer service") has been revoked, as the Account search is better suited for this purpose. The Gift card search can still be used to search by gift card code, or package code.

Issues fixed - Payway API

  • Issue fixed where the Available product changes API would return unexpected results for campaign product codes, when the has_custom_target_period flag was set.
  • Issue fixed where some text resources were incorrect when starting a subscription on behalf of a customer.

Tulo Payway - February 19th -

New Feature - PAP

  • Added configuration for one time passwords. Read more here.

New feature - PCP

  • Added support for logging in using one time passwords. Read more here.

New feature - Payway API

  • Added api for generating a one time password. Read more here.

Tulo Payway - February 14th 2024 -

Changes - PAP

  • The price the subscription will transition to after a performed downgrade or package change is now included in the transition description under the subscription overview.
  • If an order is associated with a gift card rather than a normal subscription, this will now be informed when viewing the details of an order.
  • Crediting a payment via PAP now requires the Administrator role.
  • Marketing: Added support for defining popular choice.

Changes - PCP

  • The price the subscription will transition to after a performed downgrade or package change is now included in the transition description under the subscription overview.

Change - Payway API

  • Included popular_choice in payload response for Marketing API v6.

Tulo Payway - February 12th 2024 -

New features - PAP

  • Adyen Payments can now be credited directly from the PAP, given a few prerequisites. To learn more about the "what and how"'s of crediting via PAP, we recommend you visit our Credit payment section.

Tulo Payway - February 9th 2024 -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where the validity period of packages and campaigns would end at the beginning of the last day, instead of at the end of the last day.
  • Issue fixed where provisioning an e-invoice subscription to a customer via the PAP would sometimes result in a generic error page, not giving the administrator a lot of information to go on.
  • Issue fixed where the subscription description for flex campaigns, describing when and what the selected subscription will transition to, would show an incorrect transition date.

Issues fixed - PCP

  • Issue fixed where addresses that were autocompleted from a given SSN would sometimes result in a state where the purchase could not be continued.
  • Issue fixed where some error messages containing markdown would not be transformed correctly, instead displaying raw HTML.

Issues fixed - Kayak

  • Issue fixed where a subscription system export would not be made, if a package change was successfully performed but the initial payment failed. This resulted in the subscription system having old information regarding which subscription was active.

Changes - PAP

  • Improved validation while updating the address of an existing order, not allowing some fields to be emptied out if we consider them required for future payments.
  • Minor UX improvements.

Changes - PCP

  • Minor UX improvements.

Changes - Payway API

Tulo Paywall - February 1st 2024 -

  • SSO2 Identify, optional parameter debug_url. Read more here.

Tulo Paywall - January 16th 2024 -

  • Klarna Payments available as beta. Read more here.
  • Added support to set a default paywall.
  • Extended support for order validation.

Tulo Payway - January 11th 2024 -

New feature - PAP

  • It is now possible to change the renewal date for campaign subscriptions when the payment method is Billecta.

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Fixed issue where paid amount on Billecta payments was not correctly displayed in the detailed view in PAP.

Tulo Payway - November 7th 2023 -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed related to the country code of an address, while adding a new address (rather than modifying an existing one) on an order.
  • Issue fixed where, once set, an accounting record could not be removed from a package.

Tulo Payway - November 2023 -

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where error messages occurring when updating an account, would not show up until the user navigated to another view, causing the wrong error message to show up in the wrong location.
  • Issue fixed where the validity period/date of campaigns would behave strangely, and in some cases, automatically save the date before the selected date in the calendar.

Issues fixed - PCP

  • Issue fixed where some of the self service links would not replace the URL-parameters, causing an invalid link.

Tulo Payway - November 2023 -

Changes - Payway API

Issues fixed - Kayak

  • Issue fixed where the order export towards Kayak would fail, if the order at hand had a large amount of parent orders.

Issues fixed - PAP

  • Issue fixed where generating a password for a customer would sometimes result in a non-alphanumerical string.

Issues fixed - PFP

  • Incorrect Finnish translation fixed.

Tulo Payway - November 2023 -

New features - Payway API

New features - Payway SSI

  • Introduced new event new_customer. With this new event implementors leveraging the Payway SSI may receive information on when a new account is created in Payway.

For earlier release notes, you can visit our Release notes (deprecated) section instead.