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Activate account

Target Audience: Users, Developers, Stakeholders


As an existing customer, without an account in Payway, you're now able to activate an account and start using the features of Payway. In order to activate your account, you will need access to your registered ZIP-code, and the activation method(s) that has been enabled by the organisation.

How do I activate my account in Payway?

To activate your account in Payway, simply navigate to the PCP of the newspaper-site you are using , hit "Register", and you will find a link taking you to the activation flow.

What are the methods of activation?

  • Activate by SSN: Your SSN will be used to activate the account
  • Activate by customer number: Your customer number will be used to activate the account
  • Activate by subscription number: Your subscription number will be used to activate the account
  • Activate by company customer number: Your company customer number will be used to activate the account
  • Activate by email: Your email will be used to activate the account

While all these methods are available in Payway itself, the organisation have the final word on which method(s) should be enabled and thereby shown.

If you're an organisation that would like access to more activation methods, please reach out to us.