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Change subscription start date

Target Audience: Users, Stakeholders

Release version: 4.6.0


This section describes changing the start date of a Payway subscription. The start date dictates when the subscription will activate, granting access to the customer. Changing the start date will have different effects, depending on if the date is in the past, today, or in the future.


A subscription needs to be

  • Pending: The subscription must be in the pending state.
  • Tulo provisioned: Payments must be handled by Tulo Payway. Not a subscription system or third party.
  • Sync to subscription system: The start date needs to be changed in your subscription system if the subscription is synced. Depending on your subscription system the date might differ from the date in Tulo Payway. Contact support for more info.

Changing the start date to the past

Changing the start date of a subscription to the past will activate the subscription within a few minutes, granting the customer access.

For Tulo invoice subscriptions

Not supported.

For other subscriptions

The end date of the subscription will not be updated. We strongly recommend confirming the validity period of the subscription is correct after changing the start date.

Changing the start date to the future

Changing the start date of a subscription to the future will simply change when the subscription activates. The customer will not gain access.

For Tulo invoice subscriptions

Invoice periods will be updated accordingly.

For other subscriptions

The end date of the subscription will not be updated. We strongly recommend confirming the validity period of the subscription is correct after changing the start date.

Changing the start date to today

Changing the start date of a subscription to today will activate the subscription within a few minutes, granting the customer access.

For Tulo invoice subscriptions

Invoice periods will be updated accordingly.

For other subscriptions

The end date of the subscription will not be updated. We strongly recommend confirming the validity period of the subscription is correct after changing the start date.