Release Notes for Payway 4.2¶
Target Audience: Users, Developers, Stakeholders
Minor Releases¶
4.2.7 (2020-11-02)¶
New features¶
- A merchant reference can be set on orders in the PPF, Adyen Checkout and Klarna Payments Checkout. Read more here
- Klarna payments: Improved synchronization of user address data.
4.2.6 (2020-10-19)¶
New features¶
- Administrators can manage customer shares in PAP.
- Trial purchases using Adyen as a provider. Free campaigns that transition to normal pricing.
- Adyen: shopper e-mail supplied for new transactions. This enables refunds for transactions made with the payment option e-bank. Also, it helps Adyen prevent fraudulent behavior.
Payway API¶
- Adyen payment periods can now be added in the Campaign API.
- Price can now be updated for Adyen payment periods in the Price API.
- Price can now be updated for both campaigns and packages in the Price API.
4.2.5 (2020-09-28)¶
- Klarna payments integration now collect mobile phone number when available.
- Credit card summary available for order info in PAP.
- Resources related to password reset are now available in PAP for editing.
- Confirmation code used for password reset can only be used once.
Issues fixed¶
- Fixed issue where returnUrl was not included in the reset password url.
4.2.4 (2020-09-07)¶
- Recurring Klarna payments purchases now support APR
Issues fixed¶
- PAP: Fixed issue where campaigns would not inherit grace period from underlying package during APR retries.
- PCP: Fixed issue where mobile number was not validated correctly. (2020-07-29)¶
- PAP: Delivery address and billing address now visible in order info.
Issues fixed¶
- PAP: Issue fixed where CSR's could include invalid characters in customer e-mail, such as exclamation marks.
- PAP: Issue fixed where credited Adyen payments would be presented as duplicates.
- PCP: Issue fixed where subscriber trying to renew unsupported frozen subscription would be presented with a general error page.
- PAP: Issue fixed where delivery address not appended as account address for Adyen purchases. (2020-07-27)¶
New Feature¶
- New feature where administrator can reactivate tulo provisioned subscription.
- New feature where administrator can cancel limited tulo provisioned subscription.
- New feature where administrator can cancel voucher provisioned subscription.
- Shopper locale sent to Adyen purchases for I18N support.
- Support for identifying different Adyen payment methods in export to Kayak subscription system. (2020-07-20)¶
New Feature¶
- New feature where third party can fetch available payment periods for klarna using Klarna Payments - Payment periods API
- New feature where third party can perform klarna payments trial orders Klarna Payments - Place trial order API
- Shorter cache time (5 minutes) for campaigns and packages in PCP.
4.2.3 (2020-07-14)¶
New Feature¶
- New feature where customer can change their card info for Adyen orders from My account
- New feature where third party can verify card info for Adyen orders using Adyen - Initialize verification API
- New feature where third party can update credit card info for Adyen orders using Adyen - Perform card verification API (2020-06-25)¶
New Feature¶
- PAP: Added feature to sort payment methods in the PPF. Read more here
4.2.2 (2020-06-15)¶
Issues fixed¶
- PAP: Fixed issue where campaigns were always presented as recurring in the customer overview.
- PAP: Fixed issue when editing Adyen payment provider configurations where Secret and or Origin could contain not allowed characters.
- PAP: Fixed issue where non-recurring Adyen payment methods could be setup as recurring for packages.
New features¶
- PARP: Added support for subscription start date.
- PARP: Added support for discount codes.
- Adyen: Added support for APR
- Stricter validation of SSN.
- Update PARP Adyen drop-in javascript to v3.8.1.
- Adyen: Place order with line items to support Klarna purchases.
- Adyen: Place order with product name as shopper statement.
4.2.1 (2020-05-27)¶
Issues fixed¶
- Credit card renewal date presented in correct timezone.
- Improved e-mail validation during gift purchase.
New features¶
4.2.0 (2020-05-04)¶
Issues fixed¶
- Fixed issue where automatic payment retries ended after one day after grace period.
- Fixed issue where an unexplained error occurred for vouchers that cannot be redeemed in the purchase flow.
- Fixed issue where number based purchase configuration resulted in an error page.
- Fixed issue where deactivated product could not find the original order id.
- Fixed issue where not all mandatory address fields was marked as mandatory.
- Fixed issue where images did not show for packages under campaigns without an image.
New features¶
- Now possible to integrate with the Payway Adyen Provider
- Optimization of the search in PAP.
- Added the ability to set a host url for the Adyen payment configuration in PAP.
- Added the ability to see the failed value in the API response when national identification numbers already exists.
Payway API¶
- New API. Ability to change the renewal date for an subscription via the subscription API
- Added ability to check the Payway Campaign Rules to determine if the user is eligible to buy a specific campaign via the me API.