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Getting started with Payway and Klarna payments

Target audience: Developers, Stakeholders

Implement Klarna payments

To get the most out your Klarna payments integration there are two ways of integrating. You can opt in to only use Place order - existing customer where an account is required to perform the purchase. To increase the conversion rate you might also consider adding support for Place order - new customer.

Place order - existing customer

The existing customer approach assumes that the end user already has a Payway account and is authenticated. This approach is the most straightforward and is required to get going with the Klarna payments integration. This requires that you first register a Payway account before placing the Klarna Payments order.

Place order - new customer

The new customer approach is an easy way to smoothly onboard a customer without an existing Payway account. Here the account and order creation process is instead combined into one for an increased conversion rate.