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Automatic payment retries (APR)

Target Audience: Users, Stakeholders

Release version: 4.1.4

Getting started with APR

Activating APR

If you have integrated Payway with a subscription system you need to verify the functionality in the staging environment before proceeding to production. Otherwise, subscriptions might be terminated prematurely.

If orders and payments are exported to your subscription system from Payway you need to verify that the subscription won't be terminated from the subscription system if payment is not delivered on time. Otherwise, APR will not work as intended.

Prerequisites for testing

  • Read the docs
  • Set the grace period in your subscription system to exceed the one in Payway by one day. Otherwise, it might not be resolved in time if the customer is fixing it last minute. In Payway you configure the grace period per package. Campaigns inherit the package settings.
  • Adeprimo needs to enable the APR feature in stage. Contact servicedesk to create a request ticket.

Testing protocol

The testing will primarily be done by you. Adeprimo will, of course, assist in questions and setup.

Step 1: Test purchase

Do a test purchase

Create a test credit card purchase. You will use this subscription for the rest of the tests.

  • Payex users can use test cards found here.
  • Bambora users need to contact their provider for more details as of writing this.

Step 2: Failed Purchase

Simulate a failed recurring purchase

  • Payex users can alter the price to simulate a failed recurring payment. See Payex test data for more info on error codes.
  • Bambora users need to contact their provider for more details as of writing this.

When you've prepared for the failed payment you can speed up the recurring purchase by moving the renewal date for the test purchase. You might have to wait until the next day for the renewal to take effect. Plan the testing accordingly.

Test 1: Resolve

Resolve failed recurring purchase

  • If you are using Payex, correct the package/campaign price in PAP to avoid any error codes.
  • Bambora users need to contact their provider for more details as of writing this.
  • Verify customer e-mail communication, if any.

Move the renewal date for the test purchase again.

Test 2: Fail

Subscription is not resolved in time

  • Set the grace period in your subscription system and Payway to one day.
  • Wait until the grace period expires.
  • Verify customer e-mail communication, if any.

Step 3: Done

Go live

If all the tests are successful you can request Adeprimo to enable the feature in prod. Contact servicedesk to create a request ticket.