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Configure Tulo Paywall - Offers

Target Audience: Users, Developers

Release version: 4.6.2


Paywall offers are the part of your Tulo Paywall that ties into what campaign, package, or ranked campaign group you are offering. And to what price?


Configure a Tulo Paywall - Offer

To create your first paywall offer you will need to go through these steps.

  • Set name. This is a name only used internally within the Payway platform. It is not exposed to the end user.
  • Choose title. This defines what title the offer should belong to.
  • Choose type. This defines what kind of offer the paywall will present. Is it a package, campaign, ranked campaign group, or something else?
  • Choose an offer. The package, campaign, or ranked campaign group you intend to offer. This list is filtered based on your type choice.
  • Choose offer period. The pricing for the offer.
  • Choose area of sale. This defines where the offer should be published for sale (marketplace, shop, etc).

Tulo Paywall - Offer Example when editing an offer

Tulo Paywall - Offer Overview of your created offers

Delete a Tulo Paywall - Offer

You are allowed to delete offers in PAP. Note: An offer cannot be removed if it is in use. An offer is considered to be in use when connected to a Tulo Paywall.

Where can I find Tulo Paywall - Offers in PAP?

  • Marketing => Paywall => Offers