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Perform additional action


Target audience: Developers

Perform additional action

Release version: 4.7.5


This endpoint performs additional actions required to complete an Adyen purchase. E.q. 3DS authentication.


This API gives access to Adyen related endpoints. Since this section is quite specific it has it's own section of documentation. Read more here.


Environment URI


Identity Scope
No /external/adyen/w

Curl example

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer <token>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "details": {
      "threeds2.fingerprint": "eyJ0aHJlZURTQ29tcEluZCI6IlkifQ=="
    "session_reference": "5e4bfdf209c04c50ab62669d",
    "origin": ""


Parameter Description Required Format Type
details Parameters received from Adyen either from dropin.handleAction or provider redirect Yes Provided by Adyen Object
session_reference Id of the payway purchase session Yes Size range ..24
Allowed values: "/^[a-f\d]{24}$/i"
origin URI where purchase is performed (E.g. Yes Size range: ..1024 Allowed values: uri regex that is too long to show here. Must be absolute String

How to construct the details parameter?

The contents for the details object is provided by Adyen either from the onAdditionalDetails event or by a provider redirect, such as swish or a bank.

In the case of onAdditionalDetails you'll need to post the data from Adyen to your server. There you'll collect all the body parameters and pass them in the details object.

The same is true for a provider redirect. You'll need to maintain a GET and a POST endpoint for the provider callback. You define the callback url with the return_url parameter in place_order.

In the case of a GET callback you'll need to collect all query parameters and pass them in the details object.
In the case of a POST callback you'll need to collect the body parameters and pass them in the details object.

See code example for more info on how to construct the details parameter.


Purchase complete

HTTP 200 Purchase complete
  "item": {
    "receipt_id": "5e4becc109c04c404a46c744",
    "order_id": "ADEPRIMO-123",
    "message": "The payment was successfully authorised.",
    "status": "complete"
If the status is "complete" then no additional actions need to be taken.

The "receipt_id" can be used to fetch the receipt for the recently made payment using the Me API.

Payment pending

HTTP 200 Payment pending
  "item": {    
    "message": "It's not possible to obtain the final status of the payment at this time.",
    "status": "pending"

If the status is "pending" the user has completed the payment but the final result is not yet known. Payway will receive a callback when it is.

Payway either fails or completes the payment depending on the result.

For a successful result, the events associated with a completed purchase will be triggered. For instance order_closed.

In turn, all the events associated with a failed purchase will be triggered on an unsuccessful result. For instance payment_failure.

Action required

HTTP 200 Action required
  "item": {
    "action": {
      "paymentMethodType": "scheme",
      "token": "eyJ0aHJlZURTTWV0aG9kTm90aWZpY...",
      "type": "threeDS2Fingerprint"
    "session_reference": "session_reference",
    "message": "The issuer requires further shopper interaction before the payment can be authenticated. Returned for 3D Secure 2 transactions.",
    "status": "action_required"

If you receive the status "action_required" yet again you need to perform additional action(s) to complete the purchase until you receive the status "pending" or "complete".

The "action" object received needs to be passed to the dropin.handleAction method found in the script. The result from dropin.handleAction should then be sent to your server to complete the additional action by calling the /perform additional action endpoint.

You will also receive the "session_reference" again.


This API uses the common error conventions of the Payway API

See common error responses