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Package ranking

Target Audience: Administrators

Release version: 4.5.3


This section describes how to set up package ranking and how they are used in Payway.

How do I rank a package in Payway?

To rank a package in Payway, you got two options:

Set rank for packages based on title

Navigate to Packages & Campaigns in the PAP, and in the left-hand menu you'll find a "Rank" menu option. Clicking on this menu option will bring you to a new view, where you are prompted to select a title. After selecting a title, you will now see a table containing all packages that are currently set up under that specific title. Using this method, you can modify the rank of each package, and save all packages under a given title without having to click through each package.

Rank packages based on title

Allowed range for ranks in Payway is 1 - 999. Setting a 0-rank means the rank will not be used.

Set rank for a specific package

Navigate to Packages & Campaigns in the PAP, and select which package you'd like to modify. You'll find a "Rank" input field, which will allow you to modify the Rank on a specified package.

Package specific rank

Allowed range for ranks in Payway is 1 - 999. Setting a 0-rank means the rank will not be used.

How do I rank a campaign in Payway?

Campaigns inherit their rank from the base package and can not be set individually.

Read more about the Ranking core concept in Payway here.