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Tulo Paywall - Events

Target Audience: Users, Stakeholders, Developers


Throughout the Paywall journey that your customers embark on, there are several events that are published. Note that these events are not applicable for Paywalls that send your customer to an external area of sale, for example, the Legacy Purchase flow or Tulo Shop.

You can view a full list of Payway Events and their associated payloads here.

List of events

Account changed

Published whenever a logged in customer has performed a purchase that results in changes being made to their Payway account information.

Only applicable for Klarna Payments.

Account created with password reset

Published whenever a new customer has performed a purchase and a Payway account is created.

Only applicable for Klarna Payments.

Order closed

Published whenever a customer has performed a successful purchase.

Payment success

Published whenever a customer has performed a successful purchase, and payment has been received.