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Configure Tulo Paywall - Offers

Target Audience: Users, Developers

Release version: 4.6.2


Paywall offers are the part of your Tulo Paywall that ties into what campaign, package, or ranked campaign group you are offering. And to what price?



The type defines how the Tulo Paywall will try and resolve what kind of offer to present.

If the user is not eligible for the configured offer type the paywall will automatically evaluate the best offer available to the user.

Area of sale

Keeps track of what area of sale will be used. Basically, where will the user perform his or her purchase.

A couple of examples of an area of sales would be:

  • Payway purchase flow or PPF (Legacy)
  • Tulo Shop Checkout
  • Klarna Payments Checkout

Configure a Tulo Paywall - Offer

To create your first paywall offer you will need to go through these steps.

  • Set name. This is a name only used internally within the Payway platform. It is not exposed to the end user.
  • Choose title. This defines what title the offer should belong to.
  • Choose type. This defines what kind of offer the paywall will present. Is it a package, campaign, ranked campaign group, or something else?
  • Choose an offer. The package, campaign, or ranked campaign group you intend to offer. This list is filtered based on your type choice.
  • Choose offer period. The pricing for the offer.
  • Choose area of sale. This defines where the offer should be published for sale (marketplace, shop, etc).

Tulo Paywall - Offer Example when editing an offer

Tulo Paywall - Offer Overview of your created offers

Delete a Tulo Paywall - Offer

You are allowed to delete offers in PAP. Note: An offer cannot be removed if it is in use. An offer is considered to be in use when connected to a Tulo Paywall.

Where can I find Tulo Paywall - Offers in PAP?

  • Marketing => Paywall => Offers