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Setup Billecta

Target audience: Developers, Stakeholders


This section of the documentation covers how you setup a new instance of Billecta.

Getting started checklist

  1. Contact Billecta to setup an agreement.

Create test account

Go to and click Create new account. In the testing environment you can only have 1 user. So you'll be using the same account to setup the integration between Payway and Billecta.

Supply the following information

Name Description
Name Name of the user to be created. E.q. "Payway Billecta"
Company name Current company name
E-mail The accounts e-mail. Will be used in the integration between Payway and Billecta. Has to be an actual e-mail address since it will be used to transmit activation details etc

Click Create account and you'll shortly receive an e-mail with activation information. Log in and accept the terms and conditions.

Change your password. And please note that this will be used in the integration between Payway and Billecta.

Create creditor

Supply your organisation number and company name for the first creditor, click Create.

Edit company settings

Click Settings - Company settings and supply at least the following parameters

Name Description
Address Zip code and city
Bankgiro for invoicing Click Add payment method under the title Supply what payment method you want to use for invoicing
Bankgiro for payments Click Add bankgiro for payments

Optional company settings

Click Configuration - Invoice settings and supply the following parameters

Name Description
Next invoice number The next invoice number for your invoices

Click Save.

API users

To setup communication between Billecta and Payway we'll need to generate a SecureToken in Billecta. This token is inserted to your Billecta payment configuration in Payway.

See on how to generate your SecureToken. When you have your token you'll need to contact support so we can update the configuration for you.

Create production account

Contact Billecta to start the production procedure.

You'll need to perform the same setup in the production as in the test environment.

We recommend using a separate API user for setting up communication between Payway and Billecta.


If you remove the API user used to generate the SecureToken you will break all communication between Payway and Billecta