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Traffic source

Target Audience: Users, Developers, Stakeholders


This section describes the feature that is known by many names but should be referred to as "Traffic source".

What is it

Traffic sources are used to mark up orders in Payway so to be able to determine from where the order originated. E.q. Facebook, Twitter, the marketplace, etc, etc.

How is it used

Using strict traffic sources

This is the default behaviour of traffic sources in Payway. This means that the traffic sources need to be defined in PAP. If the supplied traffic source is not defined in PAP the order will not be tagged with a traffic source.

Disabling strict traffic sources

Introduced in Payway 4.5.2, strict traffic sources can now be disabled. This means that traffic sources will no longer need to be defined in PAP, and once an order is made with strict traffic sources disabled, we will perform the following required checks on the source:

  • The traffic source cannot exceed 128 in length
  • The traffic source cannot contain special characters (<>, {}, (), /, \)

If everything looks good, the traffic source will be applied on the order.

Where are traffic sources used

Traffic sources are used in all places where an order is created.

Today (2020-03-12) you can use traffic sources during:


Append source as a query parameter to the purchase URL.


Payway Klarna checkout API

See API documentation for more info.

Payway Adyen checkout API

See API documentation for more info.

Is it possible to change traffic source after order creation

Answer: No it is not.
The point of traffic source is that it marks the origin of the order creation. Not where the account last visited or what the last action of that account might have been.

How can I find out the traffic source of a specific order(s)