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Merchant reference


Target Audience: Users, Developers, Stakeholders

Release version: 4.2.7


This section describes the feature that is known by many names but should be referred to as "Merchant reference".

What is it

Merchant reference is a optional reference set by you to mark up orders in Payway, the merchant reference can be a code or an valid url.

Where can merchant references be used

Merchant references are used in all places where an order is created.

PPF Purchase

Append the reference as a query parameter to the purchase URL. 
The following parameters can be used:


Payway Klarna checkout API

See API documentation for more info.

Payway Adyen checkout API

See API documentation for more info.

Is it possible to change the reference after order creation

Answer: No it is not.
The point of merchant reference is that it is marked on the order creation. Not where the account last visited or what the last action of that account might have been.

Where can I find the reference of a specific order(s)

The merchant reference can be obtained from the Order API or from the Event order_closed.