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Payway payment method - Apple Pay

Target Audience: Users, Stakeholders, Developers


Apple Pay is provided either through the Adyen integration or through Tulo Payments and is only available in Tulo Shop or through the Payway API's. Currently it is treated as any other payment method in Tulo Shop, making it possible to pay through this method.

This document describes the adyen payment method integration available in Tulo Payway.

Payment method Type Recurring support Tulo provisioned Supported countries Supported ways to integrate
Apple Pay adyen_applepay Yes Yes SE, FI Payway API,
Tulo Shop


In the future the implementation in Tulo Shop will also provide a simplified workflow for these types of wallets where the purchase will be initialized with more information from the wallet, like personal data and address information reducing the need to actually enter that information manually.

Configuring Apple Pay

Adyen standalone

Tulo Payments

Send in a support ticket to Payway and request to add Apple Pay to Tulo Payments.