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Supporting Native Applications

Target Audience: Users, Developers, Stakeholders


For the best user experience when implementing log in using the PW SSO2 on native iOS and Android applications, we suggest using the CreateSession endpoint to establish the SSO2 session directly from the application back-end. This way you can avoid using the normal Identify redirect method of establishing the session. This way there is no need to work with cookies in web-views for identifying the device.

The implementation flow is the same as specified here with the exception that a server-to-server call to CreateSession replaces the redirect to the Identify endpoint as well as the subsequent redirect back via the API user landing page.


This implements login for a single application, users signed in to that application will not be logged in on other applications or websites implementing SSO2.

Create session


The Create Session operation is used to establish a SSO session with a HTTP POST call. You create a Create Session JWT and post it to the SSO2-system.

The call should be made from the application backend and the session id in the response must be stored so that it can be used for further operations.


The request to the Create Session endpoint is a server-to-server operation. You create a HTTP-POST-request with a JSON payload containing the encoded JWT. You sign the token with the secret related to the API-client that you use.

Param Description
t Encoded JWT-token.
curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "t": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjaWQiOiI1NzIyMWYxMTU4NGQ1NGUyOGIwMDAwMDEiLCJpcGEiOiIxMjcuMC4wLjExIiwidWFzIjoiTXkgQXBwIDEuMCAtIGlvczEwIiwiYXBuIjoiTXkgQXBwIiwiYXB2IjoiMS4wIiwib3NuIjoiaU9TIiwib3N2IjoiMTAiLCJuYmYiOjE3MzI4NzkwOTAsImV4cCI6MTczMjk2NTQ5MCwiaWF0IjoxNzMyODc5MDkwLCJpc3MiOiJhZGVwcmltb3NlIiwiYXVkIjoicHctc3NvIn0.i_R7hBmOCARpimXz2PcdUTDNIQO2C75TgFFDDyans_I"

The decoded JWT in the above example looks like this:

  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT"
  "cid": "57221f11584d54e28b000001",
  "ipa": "",
  "uas": "My App 1.0 - ios10",
  "apn": "My App",
  "apv": "1.0",
  "osn": "iOS",
  "osv": "10",
  "nbf": 1732879090,
  "exp": 1732965490,
  "iat": 1732879090,
  "iss": "adeprimose",
  "aud": "pw-sso"

Claim Type Description
cid string "Client ID", Your API-client ID
ipa string "IP Adress", the users' IP adress.
apn string "Application name", your application name, used for indicating application and device in the list of the users sessions.
apv string "Application version", your application version, used for indicating application and device in the list of the users sessions.
osn string "Operating system name", your operating system name, used for indicating application and device in the list of the users sessions.
osv string "Operating system version", your operating system version, used for indicating application and device in the list of the users sessions.
uas string "User-Agent string", The applications' User-Agent String, unique to application and os version.
nbf int(epoch) "Not before", this should be the epoch timestamp of when this token is created.
exp int(epoch) "Expires", this should be the epoch timestamp for 10 seconds after token was created.
iat int(epoch) "Issued At", this should be the epoch timestamp of when this token is created.
iss string "Issuer", this should be your Payway Organisation ID.
aud string "Audience", this should always be "pw-sso".


Environment URI


The response to the create session request is a JSON payload containing an encoded JWT Session Token.

Example authenticate response:

  "t": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdHMiOiJhbm9uIiwic2lkIjoiZjBiYzE1ODgtN2ViMC1lZjExLTg4Y2YtMDAwZDNhYmMwNWRiIiwiYWlkIjoiIiwiYXQiOm51bGwsImVyciI6bnVsbCwiZW1zIjoiIiwiZnJmIjotMSwicmFhIjotMSwic2xtIjowLCJvdHAiOiIiLCJzZXMiOiIiLCJuYmYiOjE3MzI4Nzk1OTAsImV4cCI6MTczMjg3OTY1MCwiaWF0IjoxNzMyODc5NTkwLCJpc3MiOiJwdy1zc28iLCJhdWQiOiI1NzIyMWYxMTU4NGQ1NGUyOGIwMDAwMDEifQ.V2qkrAORBi7twpZh5y0F9MWS3Fe3V96kMEr80M60tj0"

The decoded JWT in the above example looks like this:

  "sts": "anon",
  "sid": "f0bc1588-7eb0-ef11-88cf-000d3abc05db",
  "aid": "",
  "at": null,
  "err": null,
  "ems": "",
  "frf": -1,
  "raa": -1,
  "slm": 0,
  "otp": "",
  "ses": "",
  "nbf": 1732879590,
  "exp": 1732879650,
  "iat": 1732879590,
  "iss": "pw-sso",
  "aud": "57221f11584d54e28b000001"

Claim Description
sts Session state, will always be "anon"
sid The session ID, a unique identifier for the SSO2 session.
aid Payway account id, will always be empty
at Authorization Ticket. Will always be null
err If something went wrong this field will hold an error code to help figure out the problem.
ems If something went wrong this field can hold an error message to help figure out the problem.
frf Frozen for seconds, will always be -1
raa Remaining authentication attempts, will always be -1
slm The current session limit configured, see Session limitations
otp One time password, will always be empty
ses See Session limitations
nbf This is the epoch timestamp of when this token is created.
exp This is the epoch timestamp for 10 seconds after token was created.
iat This is the epoch timestamp of when this token is created.
iss Will always be issued by "pw-sso".
aud The client_id of the API-client the token was issued for.
Error codes

The error code can be found in the claim err. See general error codes for error codes not specific to a certain operation.