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Customer number


Target audience: Developers

Sync customer


Updates the customer number for the given account. Note that the customer number property is unique per account, and two accounts with the same customer number cannot exist.

When performing bulk operations against this method you should do them in sequence and NOT in parallel.


Environment URI


Identity Scope
No /external/subscription_system/w


Field Required Type Description
account_id Required String The id of the account owning the user product.
Size range: ..24
Allowed values: "/^[a-f\d]{24}$/i"
customer_number Required String The customer number to set on the account.
Size range: ..50
Allowed values: "/^[a-zA-Z-_0-9]+$/"

Curl Example

curl --request PUT \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer token' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
              "account_id": "56e1741a6fc9365306000002",
              "customer_number": "1234567890"


Field Description
id The id of the updated account.

Example Response

HTTP 200 Updated
    "id": "50f3ac249f6aef294d000007"


Example error response

HTTP 400 Bad Request
    "code": "invalid_parameter",
    "field": "account_id",
    "message": "Parameter must match format (/^[a-f\d]{24}$/)"

HTTP 400 Bad Request

Name Type Description
invalid_parameter Object Validation error on any of the fields in the posted json
json_parser_error Object The request body could not be parsed as valid json
invalid_content_type_error Object The requests Content-Type header isn't set to application/json
unknown_parameter Object One or more of the fields in the posted json was not recognized

HTTP 404 Not Found

Name Type Description
not_found Object The account or product could not be found

HTTP 409 Conflict

Name Type Description
already_exists Object The customer number is already set on another account

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Name Type Description
internal_server_error Object Something unexpected happened server side