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Share subscription


Target audience: Developers

Share subscription


This endpoint is used for sharing a subscription to one or many. It will create the shared subscription, set it to pending and send an invitation mail to the receivers on success.


Environment URI


Identity Scope
Yes /external/me/w


Field Required Type Description
user_product_id Required String The id of the user product.
Size range ..24
Allowed values: "/^[a-f\d]{24}$/i"
contact_emails Required Array Can have one or multiple e-mail addresses.
Size range: ..1024
automatically_accept_sharing Optional Boolean Decides whether the created package sharing(s) should be automatically accepted and started, if the receiver already has a Payway account. Will default to false.

Curl Example

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer token' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
            "user_product_id": "585a4768edce2c5e6f000001",
            "contact_emails": ["", "", ""]


Field Description
sharing_id The id of the sharing
receiver_email Email of the receiver

Example Response

HTTP 200
    "items": [
            "sharing_id": "5c49688037c2edb450fc4dae",
            "receiver_email": ""
            "sharing_id": "5c49688037c2edb450fc4db0",
            "receiver_email": ""
            "sharing_id": "5c49688037c2edb450fc4dbc9",
            "receiver_email": ""


Example error response

HTTP 400 Bad Request
    "code": "invalid_parameter",
    "field": "account_id",
    "message": "Parameter must match format (/^[a-f\d]{24}$/)"

HTTP 400 Bad Request

Name Type Description
invalid_parameter Object Validation error on any of the fields in the posted json
json_parser_error Object The request body could not be parsed as valid json
invalid_content_type_error Object The requests Content-Type header isn't set to application/json
unknown_parameter Object One or more of the fields in the posted json was not recognized
too_many_shares Object The sharing limit has exceeded

HTTP 404 Not Found

Name Type Description
not_found Object The package could not be found

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

Name Type Description
internal_server_error Object Something unexpected happened server side