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Upgrade/downgrade subscription

Target Audience: Administrators


When performing an upgrade/downgrade in Payway, there are a number of requirements to take into account when using this functionality:

  • Source subscription package must be either a package or a campaign
  • Source subscription must be limited or recurring
  • Source subscription must be active
  • Source subscription must be tulo-provisioned
  • Source subscription must be limited or recurring
  • Source subscription package must not be the same as target package
  • Source subscription package must not have an integration code unless supported


Source subscription package can have an integration code if your integration supports export of upgrade and or downgrade. Contact support for details

  • Target package must be either a package or a campaign
  • Target package must be recurring if source subscription is recurring
  • Target package must be limited if source subscription is limited
  • Target package must have a payment period that matches a period on the source subscription package
  • Target package must not have an integration code unless supported


Target package can have an integration code if your integration supports export of upgrade and or downgrade. Contact support for details

How is the change determined

If both the source and target package has a Rank

  1. If the source package has a lower rank than the target package, an upgrade will occur.
  2. If the target package has a lower rank than the source package, a downgrade will occur.

Note that campaigns inherit their rank from the base package and can not be set/changed individually.

If the source and/or target package is missing a Rank

  1. If the source package is less expensive than the target package an upgrade will occur.
  2. If the target package is less expensive than the source package a downgrade will occur.

An upgrade

  • Takes place immediately and the account will have the new package provisioned on the account right away, with its valid_to re-calculated based on the difference in cost between the packages.
  • Emits the package_upgrade event. Depending on support the upgrade will be exported to your subscription system, if any.
  • Will cancel previous subscription with cancel reason upgrade. If integration support is enabled you can map this cancel reason to an integration code.

Note: An upgrade cannot be performed across different titles. This is, however, possible for package downgrades as well as package changes.

A downgrade

  • Will result in a "Package Downgrade Request", and the package will be downgraded at the end of the current subscription period, when the next renewal happens.
  • Emits the package_downgrade event. Depending on support the downgrade will be exported to your subscription system, if any.
  • Will cancel previous subscription with cancel reason downgrade. If integration support is enabled you can map this cancel reason to an integration code.

Payment method restrictions

  • Billecta: Upgrades, downgrades and changes are currently not supported for Billecta subscriptions. You can keep track of our release notes to stay up-to-date with the latest updates coming to Payway.