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Update credit card information

Target Audience: Users, Stakeholders

Release version: 4.1.0


This section describes updating credit card information for a subscription.


  • Active: The subscription needs to be active, not frozen or cancelled.
  • Tulo provisioned: Payment must be handled by Tulo Payway.
  • Payment provider: Subscription must be purchased using Payex or Adyen.

How to change credit card information for a subscription?

The customer can change his or hers credit card information connected to a subscription from "My account" under subscriptions.

How will the customers know when to update their credit card information?

An e-mail will go out to the user notifying them that their card is about to expire. In the e-mail they can follow the link to "My account" and update their card.

An e-mail will go out

  • 20 days before card expiration
  • 7 days before card expiration

How can you enable this email?

There are as two ways of sending a reminder e-mail to the customer

  1. Enable the e-mail template "payment_agreement_expire".
  2. Custom e-mail provider configured to receive the event "payment_agreement_expire".

Contact Adeprimo for more information.