Subscription extension¶
Target Audience: Users, Stakeholders
This section describes the subscription extension functionality of Payway. This functionality will allow you to:
- Extend your customers subscriptions, transitioning them between payment periods and/or payment options of your choosing
- Offer competitive prices to your existing customers, allowing you to, for example, provide a better price for customers who choose one payment option over the other
- Offer limited-time campaigns to your loyal customers who are already subscribing to one of your packages
Extending a subscription via Tulo Shop¶
The most out-of-the-box method of providing your customers with a way to extend their subscription, is via Tulo Shop. If you are already familiar with Tulo Shop, simply navigate to the sales surface links of the package/campaign in question in PAP, and you will find a new EXTEND-link available in the list. This link can then be given to your customers, allowing them to login and extend their subscription. If you are not familiar with Tulo Shop, but this method sounds interesting, please reach out to our support for more information.
Successful subscription extension¶
After a subscription has been successfully extended via Tulo Shop, a subscription with a future start date matching the next renewal date, will be created on the customer's account, and the existing subscription will be cancelled with the subscription_extension
cancellation reason.
For Billecta subscriptions, any billing will be cancelled, and any outstanding invoices will be automatically credited (for their remaining sum).
Unsuccessful subscription extension¶
If a subscription cannot be extended via Tulo Shop (for example, if the customer no longer has an active subscription), the flow will automatically redirect the customer to perform a normal/initial subscription purchase instead.
Extending a subscription via your own implementation¶
If you are currently using your own implementation to place orders towards Payway, you will find a subscription_extension
flag in the following API's:
- External Adyen Me API - Place order
- External Klarna Payments API - Place Order
- External Me API - Create order
This flag will decide whether the purchase should be attempted as a subscription extension, or not. Please note that this method takes for granted that all pre-validation has been performed, and attempting to extend a non-existent or inactive subscription of a customer will result in failure. As such, you must make sure the customer in-fact has an active subscription for the purchased product before allowing this flag to be set.
Successful subscription extension¶
After a subscription has been successfully extended via your own implementation, a subscription with a future start date matching the next renewal date will be created on the customer's account, and the existing subscription will be cancelled with the subscription_extension
cancellation reason.
For Billecta subscriptions, any billing will be cancelled, and any outstanding invoices will be automatically credited (for their remaining sum).
Unsuccessful subscription extension¶
If a subscription cannot be extended via Tulo Shop (for example, if the customer no longer has an active subscription), an error will occur. This can be handled in different ways depending on your application and situation.