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The Payway subscription model

Target Audience: Users, Stakeholders


In Payway the subscription enables the following key concepts:

  • Which digital access rights the user has access to
  • The renewal interval or period length (e.g. 1 month) is the frequency of how often the subscription is renewed.

A subscription can either be Tulo provisioned or externally provisioned, which largely depends on which payment method was used to purchase the subscription.


Abbreviation Full name Description
ESS External Subscription System The system being integrated e.g. Kayak, CProfit, Infosoft
PSE Payway Subscription engine The engine that performs actions on subscriptions, changing their states

Tulo Provisioned

Tulo Provisioned subscriptions are subscriptions that are owned by Payway. This means that the lifecycle and state of the subscription is determined by Payway itself, rather than an external system. These subscriptions will be assigned a Tulo Subscription Number, which is contained within the format of 3 letters, followed by 5 or more digits.

To learn more about which payment methods are handled by Payway, click here.

Externally provisioned

Externally provisioned subscriptions are subscriptions that are available within Payway, but where the lifecycle is controlled by an external system. These subscriptions can be assigned a subscription number from the given subscription system, with varying formats and lengths. If the subscription system does not assign a subscription number to the subscription, it will instead be assigned a Tulo Subscription Number.

To learn more about which payment methods are handled by external systems, click here.

Subscription states


The primary state of a subscription is Activated. This means that the customer has digital access to the package that the subscription specifies.


The pending state of a subscription means that the subscription has been bought with a future start date, and is not yet providing any access.

The subscription will automatically transfer to the Activated state once the start date has passed.


The cancelled state of a subscription means that the subscription, due to one reason or another, has been cancelled. When cancelling a subscription, the deactivation will either happen within a few minutes, or at the end of the subscription period. During the time that the subscription is in the cancelled state, the customer will still have access.

The subscription will automatically transfer to the Deactivated state once the end date has passed, unless the subscription cancellation is aborted, in which case the subscription will go back to the Activated state.


The deactivated state of a subscription means that the subscription is no longer providing any kind of access, and no more payments will be made under the specific subscription.

A deactivated subscription can be reactivated, which will transition the subscription state to Activated.

Subscription types

Recurring subscription

Recurring subscription

A recurring subscription is a subscription that is renewed automatically and indefinitely until cancelled or payment failure.

Limited subscription

limited subscription

A limited subscription is a subscription that is only active for a limited period of time. Once the end of the period is reached, the subscription will either transition to the Deactivated state, or in the case of a campaign, transition to it's base package and remain in the Activated state.

Subscription renewal

At the end of each interval, a recurring subscription is automatically renewed. The interval of the subscription is determined by the payment period that has been selected by the user when placing the order. The renewal interval can be days or months e.g. 3 months, 1 day.

For instance if the subscription starts at 26.4 09:36 and the subscription has a renewal frequency of 3 months. The next renewal date will be 26.7 09:36.

Successful renewal

The subscription remains in the activated state and a renewal is done at the end of next interval.

Unsuccessful renewal

If the payment fails when trying to renew the subscription, one of two options might happen:

  • If a grace period has been configured for the package of the subscription, the subscription enters a grace period, where we attempt to automatically renew the subscription
  • If the is no grace period configured, the subscription enters the Deactivated state.


When a campaign subscription is exhausted, one of two things will happen:

  • If the campaign is set to transform, a campaign transformation will happen. This means that the subscription will transition to it's base package and remain in the Activated state.
  • If the campaign is not set to transform, the subscription will transition to the Deactivated state.


As the subscription transitions between states, several events will be emitted from Payway.

To learn more about which Subscription-related events are available within Payway, click here.