Change subscription renewal and end date¶
Target Audience: Users, Stakeholders
Release version: 3.7.3
This section describes changing the renewal date of a subscription in the case of a recurring subscription. This section also describes changing the end date of a limited subscription. The renewal date dictates when the next recurring charge will be made. In the case of a limited subscription the end date indicates when the subscription will be stopped. A renewal- or end date cannot be changed if there is less then 24h left until the end of the subscription period. SSI will emit an event when a renwal or end date is changed.
A subscription needs to be
- Active, cancelled or frozen: The subscription needs to be in any of these states.
- Tulo provisioned: Payments must be handled by Tulo Payway. Not a subscription system or third party.
- Sync to subscription system: The renewal date needs to be changed in your subscription system if the subscription is synced. Depending on your subscription system the date might differ from the date in Tulo Payway. Contact support for more info.
Changing the renewal date for a frozen subscription¶
If you change the renewal date of a frozen subscription the subscription will be reactivated and the renewal date will be set to the specified date.
Changing the renewal date for a recurring subscription¶
If you change the renewal date for a recurring subscription you change when the subscription will be renewed.
Changing the end date for a limited subscription¶
If you change the renewal date for a limited subscription you change when the subscription will be stopped.
How do I change the renewal or end date for a subscription?¶
You can change the renewal date of a subscription from PAP.