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Events Overview

Target Audience: Users, Developers, Stakeholders


This document defines what events can be triggered in the system, which in turn can trigger emails being sent as well as other operations depending on the triggering event and what listeners are available to that event.


Listed here are some common listeners that could pick up the event.

  • Subscription system integration (SSI).
  • Export to external subscription systems such as Kayak, Infosoft, CProfit...etc etc etc.
  • Integrate with your own applications

    • [Webhooks](#webhooks)
    • Azure service bus

  • E-mail

    • [Tulo Payway transactional e-mails](/payway/integration/transactional_emails/overview/). The standard transactional e-mails provided by Payway.
    • Third party e-mail. Transactional email through third party e-mail integrations using the Payway email service.


Below you will find all the different events triggered in Tulo Payway. The entities in the payload depends on the event triggered.

Name Entities Description
account_activated_for_existing_customer account When an account is activated
account_archived account When an account is archived
account_changed account When an account's information is updated
account_created_with_password_reset account, reset_url When an account is created without password from Adyen API place_order_without_account
account_marketing_permission_changed account When an account's marketing permission are updated
account_password_reset_complete account When the password reset procedure is completed for an account
account_requested_email_change account, email_change_url When a e-mail change is requested for an account
account_requested_loyalty_card account When a loyalty card link is requested for an account
account_requested_one_time_password account, login_url, valid_until , one_time_password When a one time password is requested for an account
account_requested_password_reset account, reset_url When a password reset is requested for an account
account_requested_verification_email account When a verification email is requested for an account
campaign_created product When a campaign is created, and campaign exports have been enabled
campaign_updated product When a campaign is updated, and campaign exports have been enabled
changed_subscription_renewal_date account, user_product When the renewal date for a subscription is changed from PAP
changed_subscription_start_date account, user_product When the start date for a subscription is changed from PAP
confirmation_email_requested account, confirmation_url When a confirmation email is requested for an account
ess_activated_user_product account, user_product When a subscription from the External Subscription system is activated in Payway due to a sync of subscriptions
ess_changed_package account, old user_product, new_user_product When a subscription from the External Subscription system changes package in Payway due to a sync of subscriptions
ess_changed_provision_service account, old user_product, new_user_product When the External Subscription system takes control over payments for a Tulo Provisioned subscription due to a sync of subscriptions
ess_deactivated_user_product account, user_product When a subscription from the External Subscription system is deactivated in Payway due to a sync of subscriptions
ess_updated_user_product account, user_product When a subscription from the External Subscription system is updated in Payway due to a sync of subscriptions
gift_created gift When a new gift order is created
gift_order_closed account, gift_order, receipt, payment_option When a new gift order is completed
new_account_created_from_kis account When a new account is registered
new_account_registered account, confirmation_url When a new account is created through Klarna Instant Shopping callback
new_subscription_period account, payment, order, user_product When a new subscription period starts. Subscription is renewed
offline_payment_paid account, order, payment, receipt When an offline payment is completed
offline_payment_credited account, order, payment When an offline payment is credited
order_closed account, order, payment, user_product When a new order is completed
package_change account, user_product When a subscription is changed to a different package
package_change_completed account, new order When a subscription transforms due to a previously triggered package_change
package_downgrade account, old user_product, new_user_product When a subscription is downgraded to a less expensive package
package_downgrade_completed account, new order When a subscription downgrade transforms to the downgraded subscription
package_sharing_activated share When a user accepts a shared subscription
package_sharing_deactivated share When the sharer deactivates the shared subscription
package_sharing_initialized share When a user shares his/hers subscription
package_upgrade account, old user_product, new_user_product When a subscription is upgraded to a more expensive package
payment_agreement_about_to_expire account, order, expire_days, expire_date, masked_creditcard When a customer payment agreement is about to expire. Card
payment_campaign_transformed account, new order, old user_product, new_user_product When a user product/subscription is transformed from a campaign into a package
payment_failure account, order, payment When a payment fails to be completed
payment_initiated account, order, payment When a payment is initiated but not completed
payment_profile_update account, order, payment When a payment profile is updated. Customer updates card details for example
payment_retry account, order, payment_retry When a recurring payment fails, indicates that a automatic retry will happen.
payment_retry_successful account, order, payment, payment_retry When a payment is successfully retried
payment_success account, order, payment, user_product When a payment is completed
payment_user_agreement_invalid_state account, payment_profile When a customer payment agreement is determined to be invalid
payment_user_product_created account, order, user_product When a user product is created. Subscription starts
payment_user_product_deactivated account, user_product, reason When a user product is deactivated. Subscription is terminated
payment_user_product_frozen account, user_product, reason When a user product fails to renew and is frozen
payment_user_product_renewed account, user_product When a user product is renewed
pending_subscription_validation_change account, user_product When a user is 14 days from no longer being eligible for a product
pending_user_product_activated account, user_product When a pending user product is activated and the subscription starts
transitioned_to_retention_campaign account, user_product When a user accepts a retention campaign
registered_account_confirmed account When an account is verified
report_export_requested request_id When a report is requested from PAP
user_product_cancelled account, user_product When a user product is cancelled
user_product_uncancelled account, user_product When a user product is reactivated
verification_failure account, order, payment When a payment cannot be verified. When a card update fails for example
voucher_created account, order, receipt, voucher When a voucher is created through a voucher purchase
voucher_redeemed account, order, voucher When a a bought voucher is redeemed by a user
voucher_user_product_created account, user_product, voucher When a voucher is redeemed and a user product is created. Subscription starts.
voucher_user_product_deactivated account, user_product, reason When a user product created from a voucher is deactivated. Subscription ends.


Webhooks are delivered as POST requests in a standardized payload format. Depending on the event different entities will be populated in the payload.

    "event": "<event_name>",
    "timestamp": "2024-06-11T09:14:45.841Z",
    "payload": {
        "account": {},
        "order": {},
        "payment": {},
        "receipt": {},
        "share": {},
        "user_product": {},
        "new_user_product": {},
        "gift": {},
        "product": {},
        "payment_retry": {},
        "event_data": {},
        "payment_about_to_expire": {},
        "voucher": {},
        "marketing_permission": {}


To get started, please contact us.