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Gift and gift card purchases

Target Audience: Administrators Developers

Release version: 4.6.0


Starting from version 4.6.0, four new toggles are available when creating and editing packages and campaigns in PAP. These toggles will determine how the package/campaign at hand should act when it comes to gift/gift card purchases. Note that some of the toggles have certain conditions that must be met in order to be used.

What does these toggles do

The selections are available through the API:s exposing packages and campaigns and should be used for determining how the packages and campaigns are sold in external implementations of purchases. These selections will not currently affect the PPF.

Toggle Description Prerequisites
Allow gift purchase Package/Campaign is available for gift purchase Configured campaign rules for the selected campaign
Allow only gift purchase Package/Campaign is available only for gift purchase, excluding normal purchase and purchase as a gift card. Configured campaign rules for the selected campaign
Allow gift card purchase Package/Campaign is available for purchase as a gift card Packages must have one or more limited subscription periods
Campaigns are not allowed to transition to another campaign/package.

Read more here.
Allow only gift card purchase Package/Campaign is available only for purchase as a gift card, excluding normal purchase and gift purchase. Packages must have one or more limited subscription periods
Campaigns are not allowed to transition to another campaign/package.

Read more here.


Packages and campaigns that are available for purchase as gift cards can be used with the ME API or the ACCOUNT API in order to implement purchase of gift cards externally.