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Transfer subscription

Target Audience: Users, Customer service


The transfer subscription functionality allows customer service to transfer a subscription in any state from one customer account to another.

How do I transfer a subscription?


This functionality will re-write the history of the subscription, order, and any associated payment profiles. While the subscription can be transferred back to it's original account, the action itself cannot be undone, and this should as such be done with extreme caution.

In order to transfer a subscription, navigate to the customer account that currently has the subscription, and to the Subscription details page of the subscription that you would like to transfer.

Then, on the right hand side, find "Advanced settings -> Transfer subscription", and fill in the required information. Once everything has been filled in and the transfer confirmed, the subscription will be transferred and, depending on the current state of the subscription, provide immediate access to the new customer. All order and address details will be persisted, and as such, the new account will gain access to this information as well.

Note that the receiver must have an existing Payway account in order for a transfer to be possible.