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Marketing Permissions

Target Audience: Administrators


Marketing Permissions can be used to configure what channels a customer allows (or denies) to be contacted via. This function allows you to leave (and later view) the choices the customers wish to make, when it comes to whether they want to be contacted via e-mail, sms, and more!

You can read more about marketing permissions and their usage in the PCP here.

Where to find Marketing Permissions

Marketing Permissions can be configured by navigating to the PAP => Controlpanel => Marketing Permissions.

Configuring a Marketing Permission

While configuring a marketing permission, you will always have access to the following properties:

  • Name: The name of the Marketing Permission. Will be displayed to the end-customer.
  • Integration code: The integration code of the marketing permission. Used for systems that, in one way or another, integrate programmatically with the marketing permission.
  • Description: The description of the Marketing Permission. Will be displayed to the end-customer.
  • Type: The type of marketing permission.
  • Visible for customer: Whether the marketing permission should be visible towards the end-customer or not.

Alongside this, you have access to the following properties if you choose to configure a Premium Newsletter marketing permission:

  • Packages: If packages are selected for this marketing permission, it will only be displayed to customers that have an active subscription for the given package(s). If no packages are selected, it will be shown for all.
  • Only for non-subscribers: If this toggle is enabled, this marketing permission will only be displayed under 'My Account' in the PCP, for customers with no active subscription. These marketing permissions will not be displayed under any other flows. Cannot be combined with Package specific marketing permissions.

Lastly, if you choose to configure a non-Premium Newsletter marketing permission, you gain access to the following:

  • Checked by default: Decides whether the marketing permission should be checked by default or not.
  • General communication: Decides whether the marketing permission should be considered as general communication or not. Can be combined with "Checked by default" in order to automatically accept the marketing permission upon registration, regardless if the marketing permission is visible or not.
  • Titles: Decides what packages/campaigns the marketing permission should be shown for, but on a title-level, meaning it will be applied to all packages/campaigns under the given title(s).
  • Only visible for My Account: This toggle will decide whether the marketing permission should only be displayed (as well as toggleable) via "My Account".