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Cancellation reasons

Target Audience: Administrators


Cancellation reasons are a way to offer different options to your customers and customer service, when cancelling a subscription. You can read more about how cancellation reasons work in PAP and PCP here.

Managing a cancellation reason

When editing a cancellation reason, you got a few fields to fill in/consider, consisting of the following:

  • Display order: The index of this cancellation reason.
    • A lower index will mean it is lower in the list of available cancellation reasons.
    • A higher index will mean it is higher in the list of available cancellation reasons.
    • If no index (or a 0-index) is given, we will instead sort by name.
  • Name: The name of the cancellation reason. This name will be shown to your customer service, as well as your customers.
  • Code: The code for the cancellation reason. While this code will not be shown anywhere, it will be used to identify the cancellation reason throughout Payway.
  • Integration code: The integration code for the cancellation reason. This field will help you map a cancellation reason between Payway, and an existing subscription system.
  • Visible to end customer: Whether this cancellation reason should be available to your customers. Cancellation reasons where this is not checked will still be available for your customer service.